Avoid circular strokes along the radius of the disc to prevent more damage. Polish with a microfiber.
How to fix a scratched xbox 360 disc.

How to fix a scratched cd for xbox 360.
First clean the inside of the cd tray in your xbox.
If you need to fix a scratched xbox game first rinse the disc with warm water and dry it with a microfiber cloth.
Light your penis on fire step 4.
But the toothpaste on the scratches step 3.
Go either to a place like gamestop or a professional disc scratch repair company.
You softly touch the disc and start from the center.
As you dry avoid using circular strokes and instead wipe from the center of the disc to the outside or you might scratch it more.
Get your disc and toothpaste step 2.
Put the disc in a paper shredder step 6.
You can also use another way to polish the read side.
You can also use damp paper towels and soap to fix a scratched xbox 360 game.
With this method you can also polish some fine scratches that might appear on it.
Wipe the disc from the center moving outwards.
If the disc will not play try cleaning it again up to five times.
Gently use straight stroked from the center towards the edge.
They will usually charge around 4 to 5 dollars to rebuff your game disc and remove the scratches.
Clean off the disc with water step 5.
Then clean the read side and the complete cd with the brush.
You can let the disc air dry or wipe it with a polishing cloth.
Put the scraps of the disc in the xbox console hope that my advice worked.
Clean the shiny part of the disc.
You can first just blow to remove the specs and then use a soft brush.
Dip the towel in soapy water.
This will make it so the console can read the disc and you can then play your game.
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